Welcome to my account! I'm Daniel and I'm a artist from Chile, who loves making art for my friends

Age 15, Male

Animator and Artist

Peñalolén, Chile

Joined on 9/11/22

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> 100,000
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Info about the BFaRF characters

Posted by StarSquareGuy - June 9th, 2023

iTablet: The main host of BFaRF.

Clubby: A club sandwich with ham and lettuce. Somehow he's a food but unlike Dorito, no one eats a bite of him. (except Starlight as she loves sandwiches)

Starlight: A cute little star with a pink, yellow and blue trail. She has the ability to fly like a shooting star.

Blue Star: Starlight's brother and a blue star.

Gifty: A present with a orange box and a blue ribbon. She has the ability to blast confetti when she surprises people or when she gets excited or scared.

Tricolor Square: A square who is blue, yellow and pink and has a pink bow. As a fan of Doritos she mostly takes a bite of Dorito. (like some episodes of BFDIA)

Dorito: A Nacho Cheese Dorito who is crispy and like Clubby, he's edible.

Star Bow: A blue bow with a star.

Heart Bow: A pink bow with a heart.

Bubblegum: A pink bubblegum who appears to be bubbly (get it, cause 'bubblegum' has the word 'bubble' in it) and cute. She doesn't speak like Bubble but she has a cute voice, just like Starlight.

Boomerang: A yellow, blue and pink boomerang who has the ability to fly and come back like most boomerangs.

Square Bow: A orange bow with a square.

Blue/Pink: A circle with half blue with a star, and half pink with a heart.

Bowtie: A red bowtie.

Rhombus: A rhombus who loves diamonds.

Colorful Mess: A type of multiple colored bubbles. She has the ability to blast colorful stars when she gets excited or scared. Her tears are colorful.


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